PEROXIDINE PLASMA is a sterilant specially designed for low temperature plasma sterilization of medical devices. The Hydrogen Peroxide Plasma Sterilization System uses a synergy discovered between hydrogen peroxide and low-temperature plasma gas to rapidly inactivate microorganisms and remove hazardous residues. At the end of the sterilization process with this technology, no toxic residues remain on the sterilized items.
This technology is particularly useful for the sterilization of thermolabile and moisture-sensitive instruments since the sterilization temperature does not exceed 50 °C and the process occurs in a low humidity environment. The total process time is less than one hour (45 to 55 minutes).
This system is validated as a method capable of ensuring sterilization with a safety level (SAL) of at least 10-6, necessary to be considered a sterilization method. The 60% hydrogen peroxide stabilized by Holandina is indicated for those modified equipments that allow incorporating the agent externally in the sterilization systems, improving the opportunity, stock and costs of the sterilization process. It is tested in hybrid equipment STERAD 100, 50 and 100S, as well as in Chinese, Japanese and European Union equipment.
– Hydrogen peroxide 60% and antioxidant agents.
– A stabilized formula.
Instructions For Use
- The hydrogen peroxide plasma sterilization system has been designed to prevent personnel contact with hydrogen peroxide in both its liquid and vapor phase. To prevent accidental exposure, the 60% hydrogen peroxide solution required for the sterilization process is contained in a sealed container.
Simply pour the contents of the chemical reagent into the reservoir provided in the plasma systems, or you can simply insert the cap with hose into the container and start the absorption cycle. It is also considered a reagent for recharging the cartridges of the different equipment, for this case it is better to send the cartridge to the laboratory and perform the recharge.
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