Enzidina Plus Espuma 700 mL
ENZIDINA ESPUMA is a liquid high-power detergent made with an enzymatic complex and a disinfectant with bactericidal and fungicidal capabilities.
ENZIDINA ESPUMA removes organic residue such as blood, fatty tissue, starches and proteins as well as odors from dental equipment, surgical instruments, orthopedic equipment, catheters, endoscopy equipment, respiratory and reanimation equipment, probes and other medical devices.
Sprinkle ENZIDINA PLUS ESPUMA® directly on surgical instruments, hospital furniture or contaminated surfaces until completely moistened, prior to the washing process.
- For surfaces with spills of blood and other biological fluids ors medical devices that cannot be immersed, apply ENZIDINA PLUS ESPUMA® directly and abundantly. Remove with a damp paper towel, dry and apply disinfectant solution.
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High level Disinfection

Hand Sanitization

Hygiene and Cleaning

Biohazard Spill Kit